Earth Day Video

This week we are going to make short videos about earth day issues.

Step 1 - Research an earth day issue that you want to talk about. - Monday

Step 2 - Fill out a storyboard that will guide you in recording the segments you will need.  - Monday

Step 3 - Record using Flip video camera (taking turns) the segments you planned out on your storyboard. - Tuesday & Wednesday

Step 4 - Edit the video footage online using - Thursday & Friday
Jaycut Login: lanestudent
password: purple

Video format:
Raise an earth day issue, explain the problem, provide a REAL LIFE solution that YOU or your friends can do about it.

"This earth day consider this... Did you know, the average American uses the paper and wood products of 7 trees each year? In an effort to conserve paper products and save trees, I plan to cut down my paper use and recycle whenever I have the opportunity."


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